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Willow (Salix)
Salix viminalis
The highly ornamental yellow catkins appear on bare wood in ...
Salix repens
Their creeping roots prevent soil erosion. Prefers moist ...
Salix purpurea Gracilis
Bushy shrub to port graceful, rounded form.
Salix petiolaris
Flowering shaped catkins, yellow-brown in the spring before ...
Salix miyabeana
Excellent shrub around bodies of water and oasis areas, ...
Salix interior
Excellent shrub planting around water and urban oasis.
Salix Hakuro Nishiki
Light green foliage with pink young shoots are stained ...
Salix Flamingo
Look spectacular with green foliage and dark pink new ...
Salix discolor
Big buissonnant.Croissance vigorous shrub.
Salix caprea
Early spring flowers before the leaves grayish giving a ...